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The increasing digitalisation of many areas of life and work brings considerable opportunities for society as well as for each individual. To allow these to be realised, it must be ensured that no social groups are systematically excluded from digital transformation, or from participating in social or economic life as a result of digitalisation. To this end, we pursue in particular the following objectives identified by the CDR Initiative:

Working to counter access barriers to products and services

Digitalisation sometimes creates access barriers. We therefore aim to minimise such access barriers within our business model. In doing so, we give high priority not only to economic aspects but also to fairness criteria.

Promoting solutions to support participation

Access to digitalisation is relevant to all groups in society and digital solutions provide many possibilities to overcome existing barriers. We engage in researching, developing or promoting solutions that support participation by the widest possible populations. In this context, we also keep an eye on offerings for individuals and groups who, due to their situation in life, face particular challenges when accessing digitalisation.

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