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Digital ethics as a factor for success

Digital transformation is changing all areas of life – from the world of work to our social interactions and daily routines. Companies have a central role in shaping this change, and their actions are becoming an increasingly important topic for consumers. As a consequence, taking on corporate responsibility in the digital space is becoming a vital part of day-to-day business.

1. A focus on data handling

Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of how companies handle their data. There is even talk of a crisis of confidence. Responsible handling of data by companies is thus not only a prerequisite for success in business throughout the digital transition – it can even become a competitive advantage.

2. Empowering people in times of change through education

In the process of digital transformation, what was the status quo yesterday will be utterly different tomorrow. Companies are therefore called upon to prepare consumers and employees for change through education and to get them involved.

3. Digitalisation to strengthen climate and resource protection

Digitalisation involves the consumption of resources such as natural raw materials and energy. Yet at the same time, it also offers opportunities to reduce resource consumption and thus also protect the climate. The use cases for companies in this regard are numerous: from using less paper or reducing travel, to increasing precision in product manufacturing.

4. Employee involvement as the key to success

In the working environment, digital transformation is putting established processes and methods to the test. Keeping pace with the changes requires new knowledge and skills. Addressing this at an early stage and providing employees with support is not only in the interests of those who are directly affected – is also crucial for the success of the company.

5. Promoting inclusion through digitalisation

When harnessing the opportunities offered by digitalisation, we must ensure that no social groups are systematically excluded. Companies can take responsibility here by removing barriers to access and promoting solutions to support participation.

  • Portrait of Dr. Christiane Rohleder

    "Beyond digital consumer law, voluntary commitment by companies helps to strengthen the trust of consumers in the digital world. In the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, we want to further expand the CDR Initiative together with companies, civil society and academia."

    Dr. Christiane Rohleder
    Secretary of State, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection

  • Portrait of Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Brink

    "Corporate Digital Responsibility is not only an ethical imperative – it is also a smart management decision. Now is the time to exercise our power of judgement and to send a clear message: What do we hope to achieve together through the process of digital transformation? Where do we set priorities? The CDR Initiative has launched a unique discourse on precisely these questions."

    Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Brink
    Professor of Business Ethics, University of Bayreuth, and Strategic Advisor to the Office of the CDR Initiative

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