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Start: 27. Mar 2024 - 16:00
End: 27. Mar 2024 - 16:45
Location: Online
Eine virtuelle Veranstaltung am 27.03.2024 von 16:00 bis 16:45 Uhr mit Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner, Leiterin der Geschäftsstelle der CDR-Initiative und Maria Hinz, Digitalkoordinatorin bei der BARMER

Weitere Informationen zum Digitalen Datenputz 2024

Der Digitale Datenputz ist eine gemeinsame Aktion verschiedener Organisationen im Rahmen der CDR-Initiative. Mit der Aktion sollen Mitarbeiter:innen in Unternehmen und weiteren Organisationen für das Aufräumen ihrer Daten auf Festplatten, Netzwerklaufwerken, in E-Mail-Postfächern und in der Cloud begeistert und in der Umsetzung unterstützt werden.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

CDR Impuls - eine Veranstaltungsreihe der CDR-Initiative

Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) bezeichnet freiwillige unternehmerische Aktivitäten, die über das heute gesetzlich Vorgeschriebene hinausgehen und die digitale Welt aktiv zum Vorteil der Gesellschaft mitgestalten.

Im Rahmen der CDR Impuls Veranstaltungsreihe werden verschiedene Bereiche und konkrete Anwendungen in der CDR beleuchtet. Dabei besteht jede Veranstaltung aus einem Impulsvortrag sowie einem anschließenden Austausch, in welchem Fragen der Teilnehmenden beantwortet werden. Den roten Faden stellen dabei die von der CDR-Initiative identifizierten Handlungsfelder dar: Umgang mit Daten, Klima- und Ressourcenschutz, Bildung, Mitarbeitenden-Einbindung und Inklusion (weitere Infos dazu hier).

Die CDR Impuls-Reihe findet virtuell statt. Die Einwahldaten werden kurz vor der Veranstaltung per Email versendet.

Die Aufzeichnungen der vergangenen Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier.

Start: 9. Nov 2023 - 13:00
End: 9. Nov 2023 - 17:00
Location: dbb-Forum, Friedrichstraße 169, 10117 Berlin

Am 9. November 2023 lädt die CDR-Initiative des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz () zur CDR-Konferenz 2023 ins dbb-Forum in Berlin-Mitte ein. Weitere Information zu den Gästen, dem Programm und zur Registrierung folgen in Kürze.

Start: 7. Dec 2022 - 16:00
End: 7. Dec 2022 - 16:45
Location: Online

Impetus for CDR - an event series by the CDR Initiative

Recordings with automatically generated subtitles will be made available on the website of the CDR Initiative.


Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) refers to voluntary corporate activities that go above and beyond the current legal requirements while also helping to actively shape the digital world for the benefit of society as a whole. The Corona pandemic has significantly accelerated the digital transformation – and corporate responsibility is becoming more relevant than ever before.

The event series entitled “Impetus for CDR” will explore and highlight various areas and concrete applications of CDR. Initially, seven events are planned. Each event will consist of a keynote speech followed by an exchange in which the participants' questions will be answered.

An overview of the full programme can be found here or downloaded here. Recordings of past events can be found here.

Start: 9. Nov 2022 - 16:00
End: 9. Nov 2022 - 16:45
Location: Online

Impetus for CDR - an event series by the CDR Initiative

Recordings with automatically generated subtitles will be made available on the website of the CDR Initiative.


Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) refers to voluntary corporate activities that go above and beyond the current legal requirements while also helping to actively shape the digital world for the benefit of society as a whole. The Corona pandemic has significantly accelerated the digital transformation – and corporate responsibility is becoming more relevant than ever before.

The event series entitled “Impetus for CDR” will explore and highlight various areas and concrete applications of CDR. Initially, seven events are planned. Each event will consist of a keynote speech followed by an exchange in which the participants' questions will be answered.

An overview of the full programme can be found here or downloaded here. Recordings of past events can be found here.

Start: 5. Oct 2022 - 16:00
End: 5. Oct 2022 - 16:45
Location: Online

Impetus for CDR - an event series by the CDR Initiative

Recordings with automatically generated subtitles will be made available on the website of the CDR Initiative.


Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) refers to voluntary corporate activities that go above and beyond the current legal requirements while also helping to actively shape the digital world for the benefit of society as a whole. The Corona pandemic has significantly accelerated the digital transformation – and corporate responsibility is becoming more relevant than ever before.

The event series entitled “Impetus for CDR” will explore and highlight various areas and concrete applications of CDR. Initially, seven events are planned. Each event will consist of a keynote speech followed by an exchange in which the participants' questions will be answered.

An overview of the full programme can be found here or downloaded here. Recordings of past events can be found here.

Start: 7. Sep 2022 - 16:00
End: 7. Sep 2022 - 16:45
Location: Online

Impetus for CDR - an event series by the CDR Initiative

Talk held in English; recordings with automatically generated subtitles will be made available on the website of the CDR Initiative.


Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) refers to voluntary corporate activities that go above and beyond the current legal requirements while also helping to actively shape the digital world for the benefit of society as a whole. The Corona pandemic has significantly accelerated the digital transformation – and corporate responsibility is becoming more relevant than ever before.

The event series entitled “Impetus for CDR” will explore and highlight various areas and concrete applications of CDR. Initially, seven events are planned. Each event will consist of a keynote speech followed by an exchange in which the participants' questions will be answered.

An overview of the full programme can be found here or downloaded here. Recordings of past events can be found here.

Start: 6. Jul 2022 - 16:00
End: 6. Jul 2022 - 16:45
Location: Online

Impetus for CDR - an event series by the CDR Initiative

Recordings with automatically generated subtitles will be made available on the website of the CDR Initiative.


Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) refers to voluntary corporate activities that go above and beyond the current legal requirements while also helping to actively shape the digital world for the benefit of society as a whole. The Corona pandemic has significantly accelerated the digital transformation – and corporate responsibility is becoming more relevant than ever before.

The event series entitled “Impetus for CDR” will explore and highlight various areas and concrete applications of CDR. Initially, seven events are planned. Each event will consist of a keynote speech followed by an exchange in which the participants' questions will be answered.

An overview of the full programme can be found here or downloaded here. Recordings of past events can be found here.

Start: 5. Jul 2022 - 09:30
End: 5. Jul 2022 - 12:00
Location: Online / Berlin

The sustainable transformation and the digital transformation of our society and economy are the two major challenges of this decade, which entail a multitude of ecological and social impacts on society. Companies bear a special responsibility in the causes and shaping of these challenges.

How can companies concretely assume responsibility to meet the sustainable challenges in the course of digital transformation? What role does Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) play in this? What framework does politics have to set in order to counter the negative ecological challenges of digitalisation, and how can companies be held responsible?

The CDR Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection () invites you to discuss these and other questions of shaping the double transformation with guests from politics, business and science.

Speakers at the event include:

  • Dr. Christiane Rohleder, State Secretary for Consumer Protection,
  • Christian Kühn, Parliamentary State Secretary,
  • Alexander Birken, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Otto Group
  • Lena-Sophie Müller, Executive Director of Initiative D21
  • Dr. Nicola Brandt, Director of the OECD Berlin Centre

The reports of the member companies of the CDR Initiative will also be published for the first time at the conference. With the reports, the companies show by means of concrete examples how they implement their voluntary commitment based on the in practice.

We look forward to your participation.

Start: 1. Jun 2022 - 16:00
End: 1. Jun 2022 - 16:45
Location: Online

Impetus for CDR - an event series by the CDR Initiative

Recordings with automatically generated subtitles will be made available on the website of the CDR Initiative.


Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) refers to voluntary corporate activities that go above and beyond the current legal requirements while also helping to actively shape the digital world for the benefit of society as a whole. The Corona pandemic has significantly accelerated the digital transformation – and corporate responsibility is becoming more relevant than ever before.

The event series entitled “Impetus for CDR” will explore and highlight various areas and concrete applications of CDR. Initially, seven events are planned. Each event will consist of a keynote speech followed by an exchange in which the participants' questions will be answered.

An overview of the full programme can be found here or downloaded here. Recordings of past events can be found here.

Start: 20. May 2022 - 09:00
End: 20. May 2022 - 12:00
Location: Online
Anmeldung per Email - hier geht es zur Veranstaltungsseite

Im Rahmen der Community Nachhaltige Digitalisierung des wird am 20. Mai 2022 von 09:00 bis 12:00 Uhr gemeinsam mit der CDR-Initiative des eine interaktive Veranstaltung zum Thema Corporate Digital Responsibilty (CDR) durchgeführt. Gemeinsam werden in mehreren Sessions Leitlinien zum wirkungsvollen und nachhaltigen Einsatz digitaler Technologien in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen erarbeitet und diskutiert werden. Es geht um die Frage, wann ein Unternehmen wirklich grün und digital ist.

Nach einer kurzen Einleitung, Zeit zum Kennenlernen und einem Impulsvortrag durch das wird gemeinsam in die Themenfindungsphase gestartet. Den Teilnehmenden wird die Möglichkeit gegeben, selbst Themen mitzubringen. Diese werden geclustert und in sogenannten Sessions gemeinsam diskutiert. Dabei ergibt sich die Möglichkeit, sich mit Akteurinnen und Akteuren aus verschiedenen Fachgebieten auszutauschen und kennenzulernen. Ein gemeinsamer Abschluss im Plenum rundet unsere Veranstaltung ab.

Interessierte können sich bis zum 16.05.2022 per E-Mail anmelden. Weitere Informationen werden im Anschluss versendet.


Lorem ipsum

Publication date: 8. Nov 2023
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Die Befragung wurde anlässlich der 4. CDR-Konferenz am 09.11.2023 in Berlin entworfen und von der Geschäftsstelle der CDR-Initiative durchgeführt.

Ziel der Befragung war es, die Einstellungen und Bedürfnisse von Bürger:innen im Hinblick auf das Thema Menschenzentrierung zu erheben.

Publication date: 1. Aug 2023
Zum Interview
Publication date: 18. Jul 2023
PDF herunterladen
Publication date: 8. Dec 2022
Zur Thesenübersicht
Publication date: 8. Jun 2022
220608 CDR Konferenz Programm
Publication date: 1. Dec 2021
Zum Beitrag
Publication date: 12. Oct 2021
Download: Abschlusspublikation DFC 2021
Publication date: 9. Jun 2021
Download CDR Code
Publication date: 9. Jun 2021
Download publication (German only)
A4 flyer mockup with a plain color backdrop 1583 el

For the study entitled “Corporate Digital Responsibility: Results of a Representative Survey”, the Institute for Consumer Policy ConPolicy commissioned an online survey on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. This survey was conducted by YouGov Deutschland. For the survey, 1,038 people were interviewed throughout Germany in April 2021. The results were weighted and are representative of the population in Germany aged 18 and over. Further information on the sample and the socio-demographic indicators can be found on page ten of the publication.

Publication date: 30. Nov 2020
Download publication

Measures that can contribute to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Publication date: 2. Apr 2019
Download document

In the CDR Initiative run by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (), an approach using scenario planning was developed, enabling the consequences of the digital transformation process to be identified using realistic case examples.


© 2024 Office of the CDR Initiative