Anchoring sustainability
with CDR
CDR as a driver for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The development of new technologies and the resulting digitalisation of many areas of life and work can make an important contribution to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
This Agenda 2030 was adopted by the international community in 2015. For the first time ever, all countries agreed on a roadmap to better protect our planet not only in terms of climate and environmental protection, but also to ensure sustainable development in areas such as social development, health and education.
Corporate responsibility also has an important role to play here. Although the Sustainable Development Goals are based on a UN resolution between states, companies can also make a contribution to making the world we live in more sustainable. Individual sustainability goals such as "sustainable consumption and production", "barrier-free access to education" or "promoting sustainable and inclusive industrialisation" offer clear and concrete starting points for companies.
Our SDG brochure presents concrete examples from CDR members and shows how sustainability can be implemented by companies in practice.