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White paper on disinformation and hate speech published

21. Jul 2023 - Publication

The white paper "A clear stance against disinformation and hate speech! How companies can take responsibility and protect their business" outlines the negative effects of disinformation and hate speech in our society and addresses the question of what role companies can and should play based on how they are affected.

With the resource atlas, the authors provide companies with initial guidance on how they can effectively and efficiently combat disinformation. Engaging with the phenomenon themselves as a company, exploring points of contact, educating themselves and localising it in their own canon of values are important first steps that are valuable even if they are "only" indirectly affected. For a large number of companies, it will also be useful, perhaps even necessary, to strengthen the resilience of their organisations. Those who also find ways to show a clear edge to the outside world and strengthen dialogue and solidarity are making a valuable contribution to our society.

Comments on the white paper from politics, civil society and business

  • Portrait of Steffi Lempke

    "Far too often, the digital space provides a breeding ground for disinformation and hate speech. The consequences are serious: those affected are exposed to stressful, sometimes life-threatening situations and the divisions in society are deepened. Companies are also called upon to take action against disinformation and hate speech. The companies active in the BMUV's Corporate Digital Responsibility Initiative (CDR Initiative) have developed a handout with examples from their corporate practice to encourage other companies to also take a 'clear stance against disinformation and hate speech'."

    Steffi Lempke
    Federal Minister, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (*translated from German original)

  • Portrait of Nadine Brömme

    "Countering hate and disinformation is a task for society as a whole. We see ourselves as a networking centre for all stakeholders who want to take this path together. We see the CDR Initiative's white paper as a great opportunity to sensitise companies and give them concrete tips on how they too can take action."

    Nadine Brömme
    Co-founder/Co-Managing Director , Das NETTZ e.V. (*translated from German original)

  • Portrait of Lena-Sophie Müller

    "The internet, as a digital, open, and collaborative space for information and discourse, must be protected to ensure that democracy-strengthening public opinion formation remains possible online. However, parts of society are withdrawing from the internet due to fear of hate speech and hostility, as our D21-Digital-Index study shows. Additionally, almost two-thirds of the respondents see misinformation as the greatest risk to democracy through digitization. Therefore, as the Initiative D21, we consider corporate responsibility in this area to be absolutely necessary."

    Lena-Sophie Müller
    Managing director at D21 e.V. (*translated from German original)

The examples of BARMER, Deutsche Telekom, OTTO and O2 Telefónica, which are included in our white paper, show that engagement is feasible: Engagement is feasible.

Our conclusion: Standing on the sidelines is not enough. Companies should make an appropriate commitment.

The white paper may be downloaded below and is only available in German. If you are interested in receiving more information on the content and the examples from our CDR Initiative members, please feel free to contact us.

CDR Initiative WP Desinformation Hate Speech

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 18. Jul 2023
Click here to download
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